1. Development of a practical MV handbook for Cambodian Rural electricity players 2008–2010.

With financial support from ETC/TTP Foundation, Netherlands, This project aimed to develop a handbook on MV construction which is unique in Cambodia at the present time, which would be used to support mainly Cambodian REEs who are going to build their MV network as requested in their licenses. CCDE was involved in co-developing the MV handbook adapting to Cambodian context, providing training on MV construction and supervising the MV construction networks.

2. Decentralized Energy Management Tools for Cambodia and Lao PDR 2005–2006.

This project was financially supported by The European Commission. CCDE was in charge of preparing a planning, implementation and monitoring of the project activities in Cambodia in close collaboration with MIME staff; being in charge of data collection from field survey as well as concerning ministries; Organizing ToT and pilot training at national and provincial levels on Software utilization; Coordinating, managing and disseminating the results through workshops organization and Preparing progress report and assisting in preparing final reports at the end of project.

3. Development of Vocational Training Program for Cambodia and Lao PDR 2005–2006.

The European Commission has supported the vocational training program through ETC based in Netherlands and IED. The training program was made for Cambodian and Laos Rural Energy Enterprises who have been doing their business in the sector to help them to improve their business to be more profitable and sustainable.


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CAMSOL (2011-2012)

Installation, collection of payments and maintenance of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in the framework of the Rural Electrification and Transmission Project (RETP)
Client: Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy of Cambodia (MIME) REF- Rural Electrification Fund

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) plans to extend grid-based electricity supply to provincial towns, district towns and nearby rural areas in the near future providing grid quality electricity to 40% of rural households by 2020 and 70% by 2030. In rural areas, with no access to public grids, the RGC seeks to encourage private development of mini-grids based on diesel and/or renewable energy sources.
Under the Rural Electrification and Transmission Project (RETP), the Solar Homes System (SHS) program has been developed to offer the inhabitants in off-grid rural areas, where it is expected that grid or mini-grid supply will not reach within next 5-10 years, with the opportunity of having basic electricity supplies.
The SHS purchase is financed with subsidy and loan from the REF, with repayment within 4 years.

CCDE was in charge, in collaboration with IED team of the following activities
Phase 1: Supervision of the installation of up to 12 000 SHS
(13 months) distributed in more than 400 settlements;
Phase 2: Collection of payments and maintenance of the SHS units. (On 4 years duration) :
* Collection of the loan repayment from the SHS beneficiaries every month from the date of installation up to the end;
* Operation and Maintenance of SHS;
* Updating 2 databases : (i) Operation & maintenance database and (ii) Loan Repayment database;
* Development of user instructions leaflet.


CHARCHUK (2011-2014)

Development of a gasifier in Charchuk
Client : IED

IED has identified, designed, assisted in installation and is currently supervising operations in Char Chhuk (Angkor Chum district) a 200 kW power plant based on a rice husk gasifier, gas engine and a dual-fuel gaz-diesel thermal plant.
All effluent are used or treated: solid wastes and by-products are sold as fertilizers, not valuable wastes are burnt at high temperatures, and liquid effluents are cleaned so to have a null environmental impact.
Detailed Description of the Actual Services Provided by your entity IED together with its subsidiary CCDE have realized:
* Identification of the project
* Agreement from legal authorities acquiring and contractual frame writing
* Funding searching and financial framework building
* Technical pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
* Plant implementation and construction :
- Gasifier based on rice husk of 200kW
- 70kW gas thermal group
- 130kW dual fuel thermal group
* Up grading of the MV and LV distribution grids and loss reduction
* Plant operation and Bulk energy selling to the local REE.
The plant was commissioned in July 2012 when there were 400 clients. By end 2012, number of clients had increased to 1000


MEET-BIS (2014-2017)

MEET-BIS- mainstreaming Energy Efficiency Through Business Innovation Support (MEET-BIS Cambodia)
Client: RWC/ETC Foundation

The SWITCH Asia call for proposals seeks to contribute to economic prosperity and poverty reduction in Asia through sustained growth with reduced environmental impact by industries and customers. MEET-BIS Cambodia project was then awarded.
Learning from the experiences of the MEET-BIS Vietnam project, the MEET-BIS Cambodia project will have a strong component on providing access to investment capital to SMEs through local financial institutions.
The overall objective of the action is to promote economic prosperity and poverty reduction in Cambodia with reduced adverse environmental impact of energy production and consumption by SMEs in selected sectors, in line with international environmental agreements.
The Specific objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in selected sectors in Cambodia through commercially viable and scalable business innovation packages enabling SMEs to effectively invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy use in their primary production processes.
CCDE worked as sub-contractor of RWC (the project local partner) providing 5 core team staff above to work full time for the project over the project duration. They will be carrying out the daily activities of the project under day-to-day supervision of Project manager from ETC as project lead partner.


Waste to Energy (WtE) project support for the Rice Milling Sector in Cambodia (2013)

A Business and Investment Analysis of Existing Rice Husk Gasification System under “Waste to Energy (WtE) project support for the Rice Milling Sector in Cambodia”
Client: SNV

With financial support from EU SWITCH ASIA funded project entitle “Waste to Energy for the Rice Milling Sector in Cambodia, SNV is the project implementing agency, hiring CCDE to conduct the study on assessing the business model especially financial viability of the rice mills for different energy need situations (with and without utilizing rice husk gasifier technology) and to come up with a model business plan for rice millers interested in adopting rice husk gasifier technology to operate their rice mill. Additionally, this model business plan should assess target rice millers in acquiring credit (loan) from the banks or with other investment funds to purchase such technology.

Potential for increasing the role of renewables in Mekong power supply (2012-2013)

CPFW Mekong Challenge Programme: Potential for increasing the role of renewables in Mekong power supply
Client: ICEM

With financial support from AUSAID, ICEM implements the regional project on Potential for increasing the role of renewables in Mekong power supply sub-region countries – Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR. The objective of the project was that the renewable power options other than medium and large‐scale hydropower contribute at least ten percent of national and regional power supply in Lower Mekong Basin countries by 2030.
CCDE worked as Cambodian partner, conducting the research study on all kinds of renewable energy sources potentially for development in Cambodia and proposing the pilot case study with which the result would be used to justify the replication of such project in the country in the future.

MV handbook development and training of MV REEs contractors (2009-2010)

MV handbook development and training of MV REEs contractors
Client: ETC/TTP program

This project aimed to develop a handbook on MV construction which is unique in Cambodia at that time, which would be used to: ·
Support mainly Cambodian REEs who are going to build their MV networks as requested in their licenses. ·
Train REEs on MV distribution network adapting to Cambodian context
CCDE worked as developing engineer of the project and was responsible for developing the technical handbook in coordination with EAC (Cambodian electricity regulator).

Energy management in Cambodian Hotel sector (2007-2008)

Energy management in Cambodian Hotel sector
Client: Cambodian Hotel Association

This project aims at encouraging the Hotel industries in Cambodia to do self-energy audit within their Hotels in order to improve energy consumption. With technical support from CCDE experts, Hotel technicians and engineers could conduct energy audit in their hotels and improve their electricity consumption at the end of the project.
CCDE worked as energy audit engineers, assisting Hotel Technicians and Engineers to conduct energy audit in their hotels, as well as being responsible for coordinating all project implementation activities, such as data collection, awareness raising and dissemination of the EE results of the 4 volunteered Hotels via the workshops organization, among others.

DEMT: Distributed Energy operational Management Tools - Training of rural operators (2005-2006)

DEMT: Distributed Energy operational Management Tools - Training of rural operators
Client: MIME for Cambodia MEM for Lao PDR

In Laos and Cambodia, which are both engaging in ambitious electrification programmes, with large distributed components (mini grid and PV) under their respective Ministries of Energy there is a great need to provide local system managers with practical tools. Just as important, the Ministries need to be in a position to manage the performance of the private enterprises who are given a license. In Cambodia, where the grid is yet to be interconnected, the utility, EDC, further needs an improved billing and customer management system for its Provincial capitals. Improving efficiency and reducing losses is key to sustainable implementation of rural electrification objectives and increased access to services harnessing small scale local energy resources.

The services provided by CCDE were:

• To provide MIH of Laos and MIME of Laos, who are in charge of distributed renewable energy services for rural areas, with a mini grid and PV systems management software, operational in the contexts of Laos and Cambodia.
• To assist the partners above in formulating the performance indicators they would like to monitor through the above software tool;
· To develop the adapted software in close collaboration between the ASEAN and European partners, to ensure full transfer of knowhow and that IT staff are capable of further developing and adapting the instrument
· To test the instruments in the field in actual areas where mini grids, PV systems are being operated
· To develop the related training manuals in Khmer and Lao,
· To train trainers as well as operators
· To ensure that the Ministries can consolidate data and manage the decentralised private sector based programmes’ performance efficiently.

VTCL- Vocational Training for Cambodian and Laos PDR (2006)

VTCL- Vocational Training for Cambodian and Laos PDR
Client: MIME MEM

The program’s major objective is to develop training tools to support Cambodian and Lao RESCO to improve their electricity supply business. Activities include:
· Preparing a planning, implementation and monitoring of the project activities in Cambodia and in Lao PDR.
· Developing the LV technical design manual for VTCL project to be used for providing training to REEs in Cambodia and PESCOs in Lao PDR.
· Organizing the pilot trainings,
· Coordinating, managing and disseminating the results through workshop organization,
· Assisting in preparing final reports at the end of project.
CCDE worked as a local coordinator of the project and was responsible for developing most of technical parts of LV training program as well as curriculum together with ETC/IED experts.

Rural Electrification Planning

CAP-REDEOCapacity and institutional strengthening for Rural Electrification and Development, Decentralized Energy Options in Kampong Cham province -2006-2008
Ministry of Industry, Mimes and Energy (MIME) wanted to prepare an electrification planning in the country. Having received financial support from EU, CCDE together with IED supported the ministry to make such a kind of electrification planning in a pilot province (Kampong Cham) where socio-economically is available. An operational electrification planning tool was applied, using Geographical Information System as convening factor. As the result of planning, various options on offgrid and on grid options, renewable or fossil fuel based off grid production projects have been made.
SREPSustainable Rural Electrification Implementation Plan – 2010- ongoing
As MIME and IED/CCDE have collaborated on a pilot testing of the approach for Kampong Cham Province via Cap-Redeo project and MIME has found the tool suited to its needs regarding rural electrification planning and selecting priority projects and programs given policy objectives and financial constraints, MIME requested to IED/CCDE, with financial support from the French Government, provide technical support to expand the project across the country, developing SREP project with following outputs 1 to produce Provincial Level sustainable rural electrification investment plans, costing various scenarios and options, (2) to produce pre-feasibility studies for 2 to 5 potential renewable energy projects, and identify investors and potential funding sources and (3) to provide technical training on using Geosim Software for MIME staff.

Technical Training Program

Development of a practical MV handbook for Cambodian Rural electricity players 2008–2010.
With financial support from ETC/TTP Foundation, Netherlands, This project aimed to develop a handbook on MV construction which is unique in Cambodia at the present time, which would be used to support mainly Cambodian REEs who are going to build their MV network as requested in their licenses. CCDE was involved in co-developing the MV handbook adapting to Cambodian context, providing training on MV construction and supervising the MV construction networks.
Decentralized Energy Management Tools for Cambodia and Lao PDR 2005–2006.
This project was financially supported by The European Commission. CCDE was in charge of preparing a planning, implementation and monitoring of the project activities in Cambodia in close collaboration with MIME staff; being in charge of data collection from field survey as well as concerning ministries; Organizing ToT and pilot training at national and provincial levels on Software utilization; Coordinating, managing and disseminating the results through workshops organization and Preparing progress report and assisting in preparing final reports at the end of project.
Development of Vocational Training Program for Cambodia and Lao PDR 2005–2006.
The European Commission has supported the vocational training program through ETC based in Netherlands and IED. The training program was made for Cambodian and Laos Rural Energy Enterprises who have been doing their business in the sector to help them to improve their business to be more profitable and sustainable.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Green Hotel Project – 2008- 2009. With financial support from ADEME and in collaboration with IED's Expert, CCDE implemented the project to encourage the Hotel industries in Cambodia to do self energy audit within their Hotels in order to improve energy consumption, and the group has extensive experience in the built environment in general and in the SME sector.
CCDE provided technical support to assist the Hotel technicians and Engineers in 4 volunteered Hotels - Amanjaya, Holiday, Gold Lion and CARA Hotels; to conduct the energy audits by themselves under supervision of CCDE's staff..

Renewable energy project development and Implementation

Mini grid in Kg Thom - 2008
With financial support from the FONDEM, CCDE was hired to conduct the technical feasibility study of the LV distribution network of a mini-grid in Sambour commune, Prasat Sambour district, Kampong Thom province. Energy is generated from the biomass gasification system of 9 kW, using Cashew wood.
PV/Diesel hybrid – 2011
Within the framework of SREP project, CCDE participated actively with IED in conducting the feasibility study of this project in Chambak commune, Praek Prasab district, Kratie province. Energy will be generated from partly PV panel injected into the network together with the diesel genset of about 20% of total energy produced. The project is now under the construction process.
Biomass gasification, generating energy from Rice Husk – 2011
Similarly, within the framework of SREP project, CCDE participated in conducting the feasibility of the biomass gasification of 150 kW, using rice husk, in Char Chhouk commune, Angkor Chum district, Siem Reap province. The project is now under the construction process.
Mini hydro project in Samlot – 2011
CCDE together with IED participated in conducting the pre-feasibility study of the mini-hydro project in Samlot commune, Battambang province.


N°181, St.352, and Corner Preah Norodom Blvd,
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
Phone : (+855) 23 6915 180 - https://www.ccde-cambodia.com